Renew DirectAccess Self-Signed Certificates

Renew DirectAccess Self-Signed CertificatesUpdated December 9, 2023: I’ve recently updated this PowerShell script to work more reliably in different configurations other than the Getting Started Wizard. If you’ve had trouble running this script in the past, download the latest version. It should work better! I’ve also published the script in the PowerShell gallery. You can install it by running “Install-Script Renew-DaSelfSignedCertificates”. Enjoy!

When DirectAccess is deployed using the Getting Started Wizard (GSW), sometimes referred to as the “simplified deployment” method, self-signed certificates are created during the installation and used for the IP-HTTPS IPv6 transition technology, the Network Location Server (NLS), and for RADIUS secret encryption. Administrators may also selectively choose to use self-signed certificates for IP-HTTPS, or when collocating the NLS on the DirectAccess server. The RADIUS encryption certificate is always self-signed.

Renew DirectAccess Self-Signed Certificates

Certificate Expiration

These self-signed certificates expire 5 years after they are created, which means many DirectAccess administrators who have used this deployment option will need to renew these certificates at some point in the future. Unfortunately, there’s no published guidance from Microsoft on how to accomplish this. However, the process is simple enough using PowerShell and the New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet.

PowerShell Script on GitHub

The PowerShell script to renew DirectAccess self-signed certificates has been published on GitHub. You can download Renew-DaSelfSignedCertificates.ps1 here.

Important Considerations

When the IP-HTTPS certificate is renewed using this script, DirectAccess clients outside will be immediately disconnected and will be unable to reconnect until they update group policy. This will require connecting to the internal network locally or remotely using another VPN solution. The NLS and RADIUS encryption certificates can be updated without impacting remote users.

In addition, internal clients that are not online when this change is made will be unable to access internal resources by name until they update group policy. If this happens, delete the Name Resolution Policy Table (NRPT) on the client using the following PowerShell command and reboot to restore connectivity.

Get-Item -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient\DnsPolicyConfig” | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false

Additional Information

PowerShell Recommended Reading for DirectAccess Administrators

Top 5 DirectAccess Troubleshooting PowerShell Commands

DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Not Working Properly in Windows Server 2019

After installing and configuring DirectAccess in Windows Server 2019 you may encounter an error message indicating that IP-HTTPS is not working properly. Looking at the Operations Status overview in the Dashboard of the Remote Access Management console shows that the IP-HTTPS interface is in error.

DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Not Working Properly in Windows Server 2019

IP-HTTPS Route Error

Viewing the detailed Operations Status shows the following error message.

Error: The IP-HTTPS route does not have published property enabled.

DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Not Working Properly in Windows Server 2019

Missing Route

Looking at the routing table on the DirectAccess server reveals that a route to the client IPv6 prefix is indeed missing.

DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Not Working Properly in Windows Server 2019


To resolve this error message, add the client IPv6 route to the DirectAccess server’s routing table and publish it. This is accomplished by running the following PowerShell commands on the DirectAccess server.

$IPv6prefix = (Get-RemoteAccess).ClientIPv6Prefix
New-NetRoute -AddressFamily IPv6 -DestinationPrefix $IPv6prefix -InterfaceAlias “Microsoft IP-HTTPS Platform Interface” -Publish Yes

Next, restart the Remote Access Management service (RaMgmtSvc) using the following PowerShell command.

Restart-Service RaMgmtSvc -PassThru

DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Not Working Properly in Windows Server 2019

Once complete, refresh the management console and the IP-HTTPS error message should be resolved and the operations status should state that it is now working properly.

DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Not Working Properly in Windows Server 2019


Additional Information

SSL Certificate Conisderations for DirectAccess IP-HTTPS

DirectAccess Expire IP-HTTPS Certificate and Error 0x800b0101

DirectAccess Get-NetIPHttpsState Fails on Windows 10 1803

DirectAccess Get-NetIPHttpsState Fails on Windows 10 1803PowerShell is an essential tool for Windows administrators for configuration, task automation, monitoring, reporting, and problem resolution. When troubleshooting DirectAccess connectivity using the IP-HTTPS IPv6 transition technology, the Get-NetIPHttpsConfiguration and Get-NetIPHttpsState PowerShell commands are important for assessing the configuration and current state of the IP-HTTPS connection. When DirectAccess connectivity fails, these are some of the first commands an administrator will use to identify and resolve the issue.


Get-NetIPHttpsState is especially helpful when IP-HTTPS connectivity fails because it returns an error code and interface status information that can provide clues as to why the connection was not completed successfully.

DirectAccess Get-NetIPHttpsState Fails on Windows 10 1803

No Output in 1803

Beginning with Windows 10 1803, the DirectAccess administrator will notice that Get-NetIPHttpsState returns no data. The output of Get-NetIPHttpsState is blank.

DirectAccess Get-NetIPHttpsState Fails on Windows 10 1803

Changes in 1803

As it turns out, this is a bug first introduced in Windows 10 1803 that is the result of a fundamental change in the way in which the IP-HTTPS interface is implemented in Windows. As of this writing, the bug has not been addressed in Windows 10 1803 or 1809.


The good news is that there’s an easy workaround for this. Instead of using Get-NetIPHttpsState, the administrator can retrieve essential information about the IP-HTTPS interface using the following netsh command.

netsh interface httpstunnel show interface

DirectAccess Get-NetIPHttpsState Fails on Windows 10 1803

Additional Information

SSL Certificate Considerations for DirectAccess IP-HTTPS 

Troubleshooting DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Error Code 0x800b0109

Troubleshooting DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Error Code 0x80090326

Troubleshooting DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Error Code 0x90320

Troubleshooting DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Error Code 0x2af9

Troubleshooting DirectAccess IP-HTTPS Error Code 0x800b0101