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Disconnecting DirectAccess Clients on Windows Server 2012

DirectAccess provides seamless and transparent, always-on remote network connectivity. It does this without requiring action from the user. While this is an important feature and benefit of a DirectAccess remote access solution, it can also present a challenge for security administrators when a DirectAccess client device is lost or stolen.

To prevent a DirectAccess device from establishing remote network connectivity, simply disable or delete the device’s computer account in Active Directory. This will prevent the establishment of the IPsec tunnels, which are authenticated in part using the computer account and Kerberos. The caveat here is that this will not terminate a session that is already established. In this scenario it will be necessary to also proactively disconnect the already established IPsec tunnels from the client in question. To accomplish this, open an elevated PowerShell prompt on the DirectAccess server and execute the following command:

Get-NetIPsecMainModeSA | where {$_.RemoteFirstId.Identity –like “*computer_name*”} | Remove-NetIPsecMainModeSA

For example, to terminate established IPsec tunnels for a computer name CLIENT1 the command would look like this:

Get-NetIPsecMainModeSA | where {$_.RemoteFirstId.Identity –like “*client1*”} | Remove-NetIPsecMainModeSA

When the client attempts to reestablish its connection it will fail to authenticate because its computer account is no longer valid in Active Directory. Now the trick is to get those users to tell us immediately when they’ve lost their laptops. That’s an entirely different problem, however. 😉

Special thanks for my good friend Jason Jones for his input on this solution. Thanks JJ!

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