Troubleshooting Intune Failed PKCS Request

Always On VPN administrators deploying on-premises enterprise PKI certificates using Microsoft Intune with PKCS may encounter a scenario where a certificate fails to be issued to a user or device. In this post, I’ll share some things to investigate when troubleshooting this issue.

Event 1001

To begin, open the Event Log and navigate to Applications and Services > Microsoft > Intune > CertificateConnectors > Admin. You will likely find an event ID 1001 from the CertificateConnectors source with the following error message.

Failed to process PKCS request.


Validate the following prerequisites have been met on the issuing Certification Authority (CA) server.

Certificate Template

Ensure the certificate template used for PKCS has the correct permissions and is published on an issuing CA server. Open the Certificate Templates management console (certtmpl.msc), right-click the certificate template, choose Properties, and then click on the Security tab. The certificate template must grant the Intune Certificate connector server’s computer account (or the PKCS connector’s service account if running as a service and not SYSTEM) the Read and Enroll permissions on the template.

CA Permissions

In addition to the permissions on the certificate template, ensure the correct permissions have been configured on the issuing CA itself. Right-click on the CA in the Certification Authority management console (certsrv.msc) and choose Security. Ensure the Intune Certificate connector server’s computer account (or the PKCS connector’s service account, if running as a service and not SYSTEM) is granted The Issue and Manage Certificates and Request Certificates permissions.

Intune Policy

Ensure the Intune device configuration policy is configured correctly. These three fields are critical and can result in failed PKCS certificate deployment if misconfigured.

Certification Authority

Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the on-premises issuing CA server in this field.

Certification Authority Name

Enter the common name of the issuing CA in this field. You will find this information by running the following command on any domain-joined Windows system.

certutil.exe -dump

Certificate Template Name

Enter the name of the certificate template in Active Directory. Be aware that the template name and template display name are two different things. The template name is usually the template display name without spaces. However, that’s not a guarantee. On the General tab of the certificate template, look at the template name field on the certificate template to confirm.


This article is not a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for problems associated with failed PKCS certificate deployment using the Microsoft Intune Certificate connector and PKCS. However, it covers some of the more common problems administrators will likely encounter. If you cannot provision PKCS certificates correctly, drop me a note and I’ll provide further guidance.

Additional Information

Troubleshooting Failed Intune Certificate Connector Configuration – Part 1

Troubleshooting Failed Intune Certificate Connector Configuration – Part 2

Intune Certificate Connector Service Account and PKCS

Microsoft Intune Cloud PKI

Microsoft Intune Cloud PKI and Certificate Templates

Microsoft Intune Cloud PKI and Active Directory

Always On VPN Security Updates June 2024

The Microsoft security updates for June 2024 have now been published. Reviewing the list of bulletins shows three security updates of importance to Always On VPN administrators. Two affect the Windows Server Routing and Remote Access (RRAS) service, and one affects the Remote Access Connection Manager (RasMan) service. None of the updates are critical this month, which is good news.


The following are the two security updates from this month’s cycle affecting Windows Server RRAS.

CVE-2024-30094 – Windows RRAS Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (Important)

CVE-2024-30095 – Windows RRAS Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (Important)


The following security update affects the Remote Access Connection Manager (RasMan) service on Windows Server systems.

CVE-2024-30069 – Windows Remote Access Connection Manager Information Disclosure Vulnerability (Important)


None of the security vulnerabilities disclosed this month are critical and require local access to the system to take advantage of the exploit. However, administrators should update their systems as soon as possible.

Additional Information

Microsoft June 2024 Security Updates

What’s New in Always On VPN DPC 4.3.1

The latest release of PowerON Platforms’ Always On VPN Dynamic Profile Configurator (DPC), version 4.3.1, is now available for download. This recent update includes fixes for previously known issues. In addition, it contains some critical new features administrators will find helpful in addressing the challenges they face with Always On VPN client configuration.

What Is DPC?

Always On VPN DPC is a solution to manage Always On VPN client configuration settings. It was originally designed to be used with on-premises Active Directory but can also be deployed with Microsoft Intune. DPC streamlines the configuration and management of client settings and includes many advanced features to fine-tune and optimize Always On VPN.

What’s New in 4.3.1

The following essential features are new in the 4.3.1 release of DPC.

Add Device Tunnel Routes to User Tunnel

Always On VPN administrators can now configure DPC to add device tunnel routes to the user tunnel automatically. This configuration option ensures that all traffic flows of the user tunnel when both user and device tunnels are established.

Note: This feature also requires administrators to define route metric options in DPC. Ensure the user tunnel route metrics are set to a lower value than the device tunnel metrics for proper operation.

Restart RasMan

Always On VPN connections occasionally fail with error 602 (ERROR_PORT_ALREADY_OPEN). The workaround for this is to restart the RasMan service on the endpoint. DPC now supports automatically restarting the RasMan service when this error occurs, ensuring reliable operation for Always On VPN connections.

Machine Certificate Filtering

DPC 4.3.1 now includes a feature to allow administrators to enable machine certificate filtering for Always On VPN device tunnels. This addresses a challenge when the endpoint has multiple machine certificates in its local computer certificate store when the VPN server is configured to accept a certificate with a specific custom application policy (EKU).

Additional Features

In addition, the updated DPC agent core service now run as x64 processes. Also, DPC now supports VPN server FQDNs longer than 63 characters (good news for those using DPC with Azure VPN gateway!).

Download DPC

For those customers currently licensed for Always On VPN DPC you can download the latest release here.

Not using DPC?

If you’re not using DPC, you are missing out! You can learn more about DPC and register for a free evaluation by visiting the link below.

Optionally, you can fill out the form below and I’ll provide you with more information.

Additional Information

PowerON Platforms’ Always On VPN Dynamic Profile Configurator (DPC)

Always On VPN DPC Advanced Features

Always On VPN DPC with Microsoft Intune