Always On VPN DPC with Intune

In the past, I’ve written about PowerON Platforms’ Always On VPN Dynamic Profile Configurator (DPC), a software solution administrators can use to provision and manage Always On VPN client configuration settings using Active Directory and group policy. In addition to streamlining the deployment and management of Always On VPN client settings, DPC has many advanced features and capabilities to ensure optimal security, performance, and connection reliability.


Many settings required to fine-tune and optimize Always On VPN connections are not exposed in the Intune UI or XML. They must be configured by manipulating configuration files, setting registry keys, and running PowerShell commands. Much of this can be automated using Intune Proactive Remediation, but it is far from ideal. Administrators must configure Always On VPN using one method, then deploy optimizations using another. In addition, Proactive Remediation suffers from timing issues where some settings are not applied immediately, resulting in degraded or inoperable VPN connections until changes take effect.

Always On VPN DPC

Always On VPN DPC allows administrators to configure many advanced settings quickly and conveniently using the familiar Group Policy Management console (gpmc.msc). DPC dramatically reduces the administrative burden associated with Always On VPN client management. In addition, DPC enables many of these options by default, ensuring optimal security and reliable operation. Also, DPC immediately implements all configuration settings, eliminating the need to reboot to apply configuration changes.

Intune and ADMX

Historically, Always On VPN DPC could only be used when managing endpoints exclusively with Active Directory group policy. However, DPC can now be used with Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune thanks to a new feature that allows administrators to import custom ADMX and ADML administrative templates to Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM).

Note: This feature is in public preview at the time of this writing.

DPC and Intune

The combination of DPC and Intune brings with it many advantages. Using DPC with Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune offers administrators simplified deployment and many advanced features provided by Always On VPN DPC. In addition, customers who have deployed DPC on-premises can now migrate seamlessly to Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune management without giving up DPC’s valuable features.

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Always On VPN with Active Directory Group Policy

Introduction to Always On VPN DPC

Always On VPN DPC Advanced Features

Always On VPN DPC Video Demonstrations

What’s New in Always On VPN DPC v3.0

Always On VPN DPC Free Trial

What’s New in Always On VPN DPC v3.0

Recently I wrote about a compelling solution from PowerON Platforms for managing Always On VPN client configuration setting using Active Directory group policy. Always On VPN Dynamic Profile Configurator (DPC) addresses a very specific need for managing Always On VPN for organizations that have not yet migrated to Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune. Recently, PowerON Platforms released an important update to DPC that includes many new features and capabilities.

New Features

Always On VPN DPC version 3.0 includes the following new functionality Always On VPN administrators are sure to find useful.

  • Traffic filters – Support for enabling traffic filters for both device tunnel and user tunnel are now supported in DPC, greatly simplifying the task of creating access control lists to enforce zero-trust network access (ZTNA) policies.
  • Enhanced security – The option to disconnect the VPN connection if the VPN server does not present a cryptobinding TLV is now enabled by default. This often-overlooked security setting ensures VPN client connections are not intercepted by detecting man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Device tunnel enhancements – Administrators can now display the device tunnel connection and status in the Windows UI.
  • Backup connection – Always On VPN DPC now supports the configuration and deployment of a backup VPN connection, which is helpful when Always On VPN connectivity is disrupted.
  • Hostname routing – Administrators can now define hostnames in the routing table. Hostnames are resolved on the endpoint and converted to IP addresses for including in the routing table.
  • Smart card authentication – Always On VPN DPC now supports smart card authentication as an authentication option in addition to client authentication certificates.

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Always On VPN with Active Directory Group Policy

Always On VPN Video Demonstration

Always On VPN DPC Advanced Features

Always On VPN DPC on YouTube

Always On VPN DPC Advanced Features

Recently I wrote about PowerON Platforms’ Always On VPN Dynamic Profile Configurator (DPC), a software solution that allows administrators to provision and manage Always On VPN client configuration settings using Active Directory and group policy. The article described the basic functionality Always On VPN DPC provides. In this post, I will describe some of its advanced capabilities that administrators will find helpful for solving common Always On VPN challenges.

Protocol Preference

The two most common VPN protocols used with Always On VPN are Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP). Each protocol has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, IKEv2 has better security options, but SSTP is more firewall-friendly and reliable.

IKEv2 with SSTP Fallback

Instead of selecting one protocol over the other, some administrators may choose to configure Always On VPN to prefer IKEv2, then fall back to SSTP if IKEv2 is unavailable. Unfortunately, there is no way to configure this using Intune, XML, or PowerShell. To change this setting, the administrator must update the VPN configuration file (rasphone.pbk) and change the value of VpnStrategy to 14. While editing a text file is easy, doing it at scale is more complicated. The setting can be changed using Intune proactive remediation or a PowerShell script. However, it’s even easier using Always On VPN DPC. Simply enable the VPN Protocol advanced setting in group policy and choose IKEv2 First, SSTP Fallback.

Interface Metric

Another common problem Always On VPN administrators encounter is name resolution, specifically when the endpoint uses a wired local connection. Here, name resolution queries may fail or return incorrect IP addresses. This happens because the wired connection has a lower network interface metric than the VPN tunnel adapter. Once again, there is no option for changing this setting using Intune or XML. Administrators can update the interface metrics using PowerShell, but it is not persistent. To fully resolve this, the administrator must edit the rasphone.pbk file. With Always On VPN DPC, enable the VPN Tunnel Metric group policy setting and enter a value lower than the wired connection to solve this problem.

IKE Mobility

The Windows VPN client includes support for IKE Mobility, which allows an IKEv2 VPN connection to reconnect automatically after a loss of network connectivity. IKE Mobility is enabled by default, and the network outage time is set to 30 minutes. However, this setting can have negative side effects, especially when VPN servers are behind a load balancer. Reducing the network outage time or disabling it completely can improve failover if a VPN server goes offline. Here again, this setting cannot be changed using Intune, XML, or PowerShell; it is only configurable in rasphone.pbk. With Always On VPN DPC, enable the Network Outage Time advanced setting in group policy and choose a value that meets your requirements.

Exclusion Routes for Office 365

Force tunneling ensures that all network traffic on the client is routed over the VPN tunnel, including Internet traffic. However, Always On VPN supports exclusion routes which allow administrators to exempt selected traffic from the VPN tunnel when force tunneling is enabled. Commonly this is configured for trusted cloud applications like Microsoft Office 365. Defining exclusion routes for cloud services is more complicated than it sounds. Many cloud services, including Microsoft Office 365, have multiple IP addresses that are constantly changing. This makes keeping Always On VPN clients updated with the correct list of IP address exclusions quite challenging. With Always On VPN DPC, administrators can enable the Exclude Office 365 from VPN group policy setting, allowing the endpoint to automatically configure the necessary exclusion routes for Office 365 IP addresses. Importantly, Always On VPN DPC periodically monitors this list of IP addresses and ensures that endpoints are continually updated with Office 365 exclusion routes as they change to ensure reliable connectivity.

IP Routing

Always On VPN administrators must define which IP addresses and networks are routed over the VPN tunnel when split tunneling is enabled. However, Intune has a known issue that may pose a challenge in some environments.


Although IPv4 routes can be configured using the Intune UI, IPv6 routes cannot. This is because the Intune UI does not correctly validate the default IPv6 prefix length, insisting that the administrator use a value between 1 and 32. 🤦‍♂️

However, the Always On VPN DPC Allowed Routes group policy setting happily accepts the proper IPv6 prefix.

Route Metrics

In addition, there is no option to define the metric values for routes configured using Intune. Assigning non-default route metrics is required to resolve routing conflicts in some scenarios. Defining route metrics requires custom XML. The Always On VPN DPC Route Metric group policy settings allow administrators to define route metrics as required.


I have published a demonstration video on my YouTube channel showing some of the advanced features PowerON Platforms Always On VPN Dynamic Profile Configurator (DPC) provides. Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date as I’ll be releasing more videos in the future.

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about PowerON Platforms Always On VPN DPC? Fill out the form below, and I’ll contact you with more information. In addition, you can visit to register for an evaluation license.

Additional Information

Always On VPN with Active Directory and Group Policy

Always On VPN Video Demonstration

PowerON Platforms Always On VPN Dynamic Profile Configurator (DPC)