Windows 8 DirectAccess Client Quick Tip

On a Windows 8 or 8.1 DirectAccess client, issuing a Get-DAConnectionStatus may return the following error:

Get-DAConnectionStatus : Network Connectivity Assistant service is stopped or not responding.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-DAConnectionStatus
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (MSFT_DAConnectionStatus:root/StandardCi...onnectionStatus) [Get-DAConnect
   ionStatus], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Windows System Error 1753,Get-DAConnectionStatus

DirectAccess Connectivity Assistant Error

This issue is easily resolved by starting the Network Connectivity Assistant service by issuing the following PowerShell command:

Start-Service ncasvc

Get-DAConnectionStatus should now respond normally.

DirectAccess Connectivity Assistant Error

Hello World!

It starts…again! Welcome to my new Microsoft DirectAccess blog! After many years of writing about the Microsoft Forefront edge security suite at, I’ve decided to create a blog to post articles pertaining to DirectAccess. DirectAccess is an always-on remote access solution that provides seamless and transparent connectivity to corporate network resources regardless of where the client is physically located. As long as the client has Internet connectivity they can securely access applications and data that reside on the internal corporate network. In addition, I will use this blog to post information about related technologies such as VPN, IPv6, NAP, and other operating system core networking functionality. For the record, I have no plans to abandon my Forefront TMG 2010 blog any time soon. However, if you are interested in Microsoft DirectAccess or other remote access and core networking features, continue to watch this space. Stay tuned for more!