Always On VPN May 2023 Security Updates

Hey, Always On VPN administrators! It’s the second Tuesday of the month, which means security updates for Windows have been released. This month’s batch includes an update to address a critical vulnerability likely to affect many Always On VPN implementations using Windows Server.

SSTP Vulnerability

CVE-2023-24903 documents a vulnerability on Windows Servers with the Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) configured to support Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) for VPN connections. This is a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability that can be exploited when an attacker sends a specifically crafted malicious packet to the server. Administrators are encouraged to update as soon as possible.


SSTP is commonly used for Always On VPN user tunnels. However, if administrators have configured user tunnels using IKEv2, or are using the device tunnel only, consider blocking inbound TCP 443 at the edge firewall to prevent attacks from the Internet. In addition, if SSTP is not in use, consider disabling support for SSTP by opening an elevated PowerShell command window and running the following commands.

netsh.exe RAS set wanports device = “WAN Miniport (SSTP)” rasinonly = disabled ddinout = disabled ddoutonly = disabled maxports = 0

Restart-Service RemoteAccess -PassThru

Alternatively, SSTP can be disabled in the RRAS management console by following the steps below.

  1. Open the RRAS management console (rrasmgmt.msc).
  2. Expand the server.
  3. Right-click Ports.
  4. Choose Properties.
  5. Highlight WAN Miniport (SSTP).
  6. Click Configure.
  7. Uncheck Remote access connections (inbound only).
  8. Uncheck Demand-dial routing connections (inbound and outbound).
  9. Enter 0 in the Maximum ports field.
  10. Click Ok.

Additional Information

Windows SSTP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2023-24903)

May 2023 Security Updates for Windows Server 2016 (KB5026363)

May 2023 Security Updates for Windows Server 2019 (KB5026362)

May 2023 Security Updates for Windows Server 2022 (KB5026370)

Always On VPN RRAS and Stale Connections

Always On VPN Updates for RRAS and IKEv2

Always On VPN administrators may be familiar with an issue that affects Windows Server Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) servers, where many stale VPN connections appear in the list of active connections. The issue is most prevalent when using IKEv2, either for the Always On VPN device tunnel or the user tunnel. Typically, this does not cause problems, but some administrators have reported issues related to port exhaustion or failed IKEv2 connections when many stale connections are present. Stale connections happen so frequently that I created a PowerShell script to clean them up on the RRAS server. Restarting the RemoteAccess service or rebooting the server also clears stale connections.

Microsoft Fix

Thankfully, Microsoft has addressed these issues in Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022 this month. An update is now available in the March 2023 security update that resolves this problem.

You can find more information about the updates here.

The update was not made available for Windows Server 2016, however. Organizations are encouraged to upgrade to Windows Server 2019 or later to address this problem.

Additional Information

Always On VPN Updates for RRAS and IKEv2

Always On VPN IKEv2 Load Balancing and NAT

Always On VPN and IKEv2 Fragmentation

Always On VPN Error 13868

Troubleshooting Always On VPN Error 691 and 812 – Part 2

The Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) VPN protocol is the protocol of choice for Microsoft Always On VPN deployments where the highest levels of security and assurance are required. However, as I’ve written about in the past, often the default IKEv2 security settings are less than desirable. Before using IKEv2 VPN in a production environment the administrator will need to update these security settings accordingly.

Connection Failure

When configuring Windows Server Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) or a third-party VPN appliance to support IKEv2 using custom security policies, the administrator may encounter a scenario in which a connection cannot be established due to a policy mismatch error. When the connection attempt fails, an error will be recorded in the Windows Application event log from the RasClient source with Event ID 20227. The error message states the following:

“The user [username] dialed a connection named [connection name] which has failed. The error code returned on failure is 13868.”

Always On VPN IKEv2 Policy Mismatch Error

Error Code 13868

Error code 13868 translates to ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_POLICY_MATCH. Essentially this error indicates that the IKEv2 security policy on the client did not match the configuration on the server.

Server Configuration

To view the current IKEv2 IPsec policy configuration, open an elevated PowerShell command window and run the following command.


Always On VPN IKEv2 Policy Mismatch Error

Client Configuration

To ensure interoperability, the VPN client must be configured to use the same IKEv2 security policy as defined on the sever. To view a VPN client’s currently configured IKEv2 security policy, open an elevated PowerShell command window and run the following command.

Get-VpnConnection -Name [connection name] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPsecCustomPolicy

Always On VPN IKEv2 Policy Mismatch Error

Note: If this PowerShell command returns no output, the VPN connection is not using a custom IKEv2 IPsec security policy.

Updating Settings

Guidance for configuring IKEv2 security policies on Windows Server RRAS and Windows 10 can be found here.

NPS Policy

Another common cause of IKEv2 policy mismatch errors is a misconfigured Network Policy Server (NPS) network policy. Specifically, administrators may disable Basic and Strong encryption for MPPE in an attempt to improve security.

Always On VPN IKEv2 Policy Mismatch Error

The NPS policy for Always On VPN must include Strong encryption at a minimum. Basic and No encryption can be safely disabled.

Always On VPN IKEv2 Policy Mismatch Error


IKEv2 policy mismatch errors can be resolved easily by ensuring both the VPN server and client are configured to use the same IPsec security policies. Use the PowerShell commands in the above referenced above to validate settings and make changes when necessary.

Additional Information

Microsoft Always On VPN Error 13801

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN Error 13806

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN Certificate Requirements for IKEv2

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN IPsec Root Certificate Configuration Issue

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN IKEv2 Policy Mismatch Error

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN IKEv2 Security Configuration

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN IKEv2 Fragmentation

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN IKEv2 Load Balancing and NAT

Microsoft Windows Always On VPN IKEv2 Features and Limitations