Microsoft Security Service Edge Now Generally Available

A few weeks ago, Microsoft announced the general availability of its Security Service Edge (SSE) offering, Global Secure Access (GSA). GSA encompasses Entra Internet Access, a cloud-based Secure Web Gateway, and Entra Private Access, a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution for accessing private data and applications on-premises.


Entra Private Access will be a compelling alternative to traditional VPN solutions such as Windows Always On VPN. Where traditional VPNs grant the endpoint an IP address on the internal network, Entra Private Access provides more granular access and does not require the device to be directly connected to the network.

GSA Client

Administrators must install the GSA client on all endpoints using Entra Internet Access or Entra Private Access. Today, the client is available for Windows and Android devices. iOS and macOS clients are forthcoming.

Private Network Connector

The Entra Private Access solution relies on the Entra Private Network Connector. The Entra Private Network Connector is a software component installed on-premises that provides remote access connectivity. Previously, it was called the Azure AD Application Proxy. Essentially, it is the same technology extended to support TCP and UDP network access in addition to HTTP.


Entra Private Access is the way of the future for secure remote access. However, today, there are still some important limitations associated with this technology.

Private DNS

Although Microsoft announced general availability for Entra Private Access, it still lacks the private DNS feature many organizations require to provide feature parity with their existing VPN. This feature is still in private preview at the time of this writing. Hopefully, Microsoft will release this feature soon.

Device Connection

Entra Private Access does not support device-based connections. This limits its capabilities for domain-joined devices. If your organization uses hybrid Entra join today, consider sticking with Always On VPN until you move to native Entra joined endpoints.


Global Secure Access (Entra Private Access and Entra Internet Access) are included in the Microsoft Entra Suite license. More information about Entra licensing can be found here.

Additional Information

Microsoft Global Secure Access Now Generally Available

Microsoft Entra Global Secure Access (GSA) Overview

Microsoft Entra Security Service Edge (SSE) on the RunAs Radio Podcast

Microsoft Entra Plans & Pricing

Absolute Secure Access and IPv6

Absolute Secure Access (formerly NetMotion Mobility) is a premium enterprise secure remote access solution with deep user and application insight supporting Windows, Mac, iOS (iPhone and iPad), and Android devices. Although Absolute Secure Access supports IPv6 for remote network connections and client IP address assignment, the latter is not enabled by default. Administrators must make additional changes to the configuration to assign IPv6 addresses to their clients so they can access resources inside the tunnel using IPv6.


Absolute Secure Access supports DHCPv6 and Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) methods for assigning IPv6 addresses to connected clients. Although IPv6 client addressing is not enabled by default, it is quick and easy to configure.

Note: Absolute Secure Access does not currently support static IPv6 prefix assignment.

Enable IPv6

To enable IPv6 global support for all Absolute Secure Access clients, open the Secure Access management console and navigate to Configure > Client Settings > Virtual Address > Allocation Method: IPv6. Administrators can choose to support either DHCPv6 alone or DHCPv6 and SLAAC. After making a selection, click the Apply button to save the changes.

Once configured, Absolute Secure Access clients will be assigned an IPv6 address and can access IPv6 resources over the Secure Access tunnel.

Split Tunneling

If you have configured the Absolute Secure Access policy for split tunneling, ensure you have included your internal IPv6 prefix(es) defined in the split tunneling policy.

Additional Information

NetMotion Mobility is now Absolute Secure Access

Absolute Secure Access Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

What’s New in Absolute Secure Access v13

Absolute Secure Access Features and Capabilities

Absolute Secure Access Advanced Features In Depth

Enterprise Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and VPN

Microsoft Entra Security Service Edge (SSE) on RunAs Radio

I recently had the opportunity to join my good friend Richard Campbell on the RunAs Radio podcast. During this episode, we discussed the new Microsoft Entra Security Service Edge (SSE). This new service offering includes Entra Internet Access, a cloud-based secure web gateway, and Entra Private Access, an identity-centric zero-trust network access (ZTNA) solution. Entra Private Access is in public preview today. Entra Private Access is still in private preview at the time of this writing, however.

You can listen to RunAs Radio episode 906 here.
